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Positive psychology in the workplace

During this turbulent time, it has never been more important to create a positive and motivational work environment.  Our human capability is the most valuable asset in business today and the most untapped of all resources.  Its time to ask some key questions:

1.   How do we help people to stay connected, motivated and rewarded in                                 everyday work?

2.   And how can we proactively support and enable each others capabilities in                        this turbulent VUCA and post Covid world?

Positive psychology identifies what people need, in order to become wholly and fully psychologically well and happy and functioning at their optimum levels.  Positive Impact™ applies this knowledge to raise the effectiveness of an organisation and its individuals to create productive, positive and rewarding environments, which result in maximised well-being, growth, performance and results.


This learning event takes you through aspects in your working environment which could be improved to enhance well-being, growth, performance and potential and how to use a positive psychological approach to implement change and development to both cope with turbulent change and pressure as well as to move forward to create a better future.  This provides the drive, energy and motivation for action and the environment for action to happen.  The result in business, is that it takes your people, teams and culture to new heights in goals and achievements.

Your online methods of learning will include:

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Reading, watching & reflecting, group webinar discussions, working with others, creating whiteboards and slides, planning your new actions, skills and behaviours

                         Topics we will cover:



•   What is positive psychology?

•   A humanistic approach to wellbeing and performance

•   Adult needs & aspirations & why they’re important

•   Energy management

•   Vision, values & communication


•   Understanding modern VUCA concerns and stresses

•   Identifying & overcoming barriers to great performance


•   Leadership and teamwork

•   Working &managing to strengths

•   Inspiring great performance in others

•   Recognising and building on potential


•   Measuring a positive impact culture

•   Practicing the positive impact attitude

Email me for dates:


How it is delivered;


A fully online & interactive programme over one day of learning 9:00 to 4:30 with breaks


•  Informal networking time

•  Trainer led learning of behaviours, skills & tools

•  Groups of no more than 20 to ensure coaching & interaction

•  Syndicate workshops to explore ideas in your work situations

•  Self improvement & organisational assessment tools

•  Individual activities to raise your strengths to talents

•  A record of the tools & learning you achieve as you go

•  A personal workbook with slide and content copies

•  Options on free follow-up coaching & on-going support

Your coach trainer

In addition to these interactive learning activities, you will also receive 121 support, guidance and feedback from your coach and mentor; Fiona Taylor-Scott in one free coaching session.


Fiona has more than 30 years experience of enabling managers and leaders to achieve their qualifications, having qualified over 1000 professionals in her career. She has been working remotely for 20 years and is coaching leaders globally with their career aspirations as well as develop their communication, training and leadership skills. You can find more information about Fiona here;

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The details

1.     We will use: Zoom, Utube and Facebook as optional

2.     Please note: You will have a better experience with a high quality webcam,              ethernet connection and headset and quiet background environment.

3.     Sessions are not recorded  - dont miss the opportunity!

Do you have any questions ? Please just email me! to reserve your place.

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